
Governing Board


Laurel Djoukeng

Founder - Sparc

Laurel Djoukeng was born in Washington, DC, and raised in the Metropolitan area.

He earned his MBA at Duke University – The Fuqua School of Business in 2020, where he was a Management Leadership for Tomorrow Fellow (MLT). In 2008 he received his Bachelor’s in Accounting from Hampton University.

At Duke University, he served on the Cabinet of the Private Equity Club and Tech Club – Trek Committee. He was a part of the Program 4 Entrepreneurs at Fuqua; through the program, he launched a tech start-up called Sparc, a people-centric marketplace that connects and arranges live engagements with people that have complementary interests. During his two years in the program, he assembled 12 other Duke students, four of which were MBA students, and eight were undergraduate students (Computer Science and Economics majors).

Djoukeng began his professional career in 2008 as an Associate for Con Edison‘s Growth Opportunities for Leadership Development (GOLD) Program. His profession in Finance started in 2010 as an Investment Analyst for PGIM Real Estate, a global private equity firm with $70 billion in assets under management. In 2012, he transitioned to the Carlton Group, an international investment banking firm with more than $125 billion in transactions. In the summer and fall of 2019, he worked as an MBA Intern – Business Development Manager at Blockstream, a global leader in blockchain technology (+$80MM in Series A funding).

In 2011, Laurel founded the Catalyst Network Foundation Inc.(CNF), a 501(c)(3)social enterprise focused on life enrichment and professional development, with a mission to engage high-potential youth and veterans by providing the proper tools, networks, skill-building projects, and development opportunities to maximize talent. Ranking Congressman Ed Towns awarded a proclamation to the Foundation in recognition of the organization’s achievements.

At CNF, Laurel has arranged business, law, and tech symposiums at Googlecollege fairsresume developmentcareer, and college preparatory workshops throughout the academic school year, instructing more than 5,000 high school students. Djoukeng has curated more than 30 professional events and diversity career recruiting sessions for CNF.

Laurel holds an annual summer fellowship for high school underclassmen in New York City and Washington, D.C. More than 200 High School students have become CNF Fellowship Scholars (99 percent have graduated H.S., and more than 90 percent of them have enrolled in higher education institutions). Since 2011, the Fellows have experienced corporate tours and pitched capstone presentations and interventions for inner-city school challenges to several companies, including GoogleGoldman SachsNIKELinkedInMicrosoftGAPBETNPRInfor The Carlyle GroupCovington & Burling LLPThe Peebles CorporationDeloitteNBC.

In August of 2016, Hampton University honored Mr. Djoukeng as one of the members of the Inaugural Class of Hampton University’s Forty under 40 for leading the way in business, leadership, community,  and educational and philanthropic works.

Laurel Djoukeng was one of Black Enterprise Modern Man 100 Men of Distinction Features: showcasing 100 diverse men of color who have done or are doing exceptional work within their communities, within their respective industries, and globally.

In 2013, Djoukeng established; Distant Relatives, the Association, offers an informal gathering of professionals from diverse disciplines. The 300+ membership includes Grammy Award-winning singers, educators, and entrepreneurs, among other professions. Laurel has cultivated member initiatives’ growth, including partnerships with more than 50 Black-owned establishments resulting in contributions of more than $10,000.

Mr. Djoukeng has served as a Community Member of the Economic Development Committee and the Youth Committee of Brooklyn Community Board 8 and Eric Adams Brooklyn Borough President’s Administration Transition Committee.

Laurel enjoys bringing ideas to fruition; he is currently learning how to play the guitar, meditates daily, partakes in Hot Yoga weekly, and is always open to a good game of chess. He is a full-time vegetarian, part-time vegan, and works daily to improve the harmony of his Spirit, Mind, and Body


The Catalyst Network Foundation inc. (CNF) is a non-profit education initiative 501(c)(3) organisation based in New York City and Washington, D.C. The social enterprise is fundamentally grassroots, steered by a volunteer leadership team in New York City and Washington, D.C. In July of 2012, Ranking Congressman Ed Towns awarded a proclamation to the Foundation, in recognition of the organization’s achievements.

CNF was conceived after its two founding members had a conversation about the future of youth and veterans in their community. After reviewing the lack of communal resources, skill development programs, and career-field opportunities for adults – the founders developed a vision. Through their combined efforts and strategic planning, the two founders recruited additional professionals to support the formation of Catalyst Network Foundation.

Founded in 2011, the nonprofit focuses on life enrichment and professional development, with a mission to engage high-potential youth (ages 14-25) by providing the essential tools, networks, skill-building projects and development opportunities to maximize talent.

CNF holds a Summer Intensive Program for rising  high school juniors and seniors in New York City and Washington, D.C. Successful applicants are enrolled at a CNF  partnershiphigh school. Each student receives individualized attention and internships in preparation for higher education and community service. The fellowship scholars are trained from day one: they tour corporate offices, pitch business ideas, and develop professional skills. More than 200 students have been admitted to the Fellowship Program and are  CNF Fellows, 99 percent have graduated high school, and 98 percent enrolled in higher education institutions (including prestigious colleges and universities).

Through CNF’s Mentorship Program, Fellowship scholars are paired with a mentor that is a trailblazer in the profession or career field the fellows aspire to pursue. The CNF Internship Program secures  CNF Fellows with internships at startups, corporations, and medical institutions.

Since 2011, the Fellows have experienced corporate tours and/or pitched capstone presentations and interventions for inner-city school challenges to several companies, including: GoogleGoldman SachsNIKELinkedIn, Morgan Stanley, Microsoft, HBO, Covington & Burling LLP, GAP, Bloomberg, BETNPRThe Carlyle GroupKaye Scholer LLP, Hughes Hubbard Reed LLP, Deutsche BankInforThe Peebles CorporationDeloitteFOX News, and NBC Studios.

The youth initiative annually holds tech symposiums at Google, career, and college preparatory workshops throughout the school year, instructing more than 2,000 high school students in the aforementioned metropolitan areas.

CNF performs screening and facilitates seamless partnership arrangements with high schools, nonprofits, and corporations. I.e., City Poly Tech High School < > Infor

The organization works with American veterans (ages 21-30), connecting them with resources and information to assist them with their career and academic ambitions.

CNF has curated 25+ professional networking events and diversity career recruiting sessions. The organization host a professional mixer and panel discussion called The Meeting of the Minds (MOTM), a gathering that is held quarterly it uniquely combines networking and thoughtful policy discussion on topics affecting minority communities. The goal is to provide a forum for critical conversation on issues often ignored by mainstream media outlets.